Biostatistics Research Collaborative
Mission: The collaborative generates collaborations between Georgia State investigators for high-quality health-related research. Biostatistics Research Collaborative (BRC) team members work with investigators on grant development, study design, statistical analysis, interpretation of results and manuscript preparation.
Health-Research: The BRC is available to Georgia State investigators conducting health-related research. This includes faculty in the School of Public Health, Mark Chaffin Center for Healthy Development, the Center for Leadership in Disabilities, School of Nursing, College of Education & Human Development, Department of Sociology and Department of Biology. The BRC is also available to School of Public Health postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students.
Grant Development: Pre-award grant support is provided at no cost with the intention of developing a collaborative environment that will lead to funding success. BRC team members assist in grant development with the expectation the principal investigator will invite the BRC team member to be a co-investigator or biostatistician on the project. Early BRC involvement in a funding application will ensure the study design, sample size determination and analytic plan are appropriate and rigorous, which increases the chance that the grant will be funded. The level of funding support needed will vary by project.
How the BRC works: Investigators interested in meeting with a BRC team member to discuss a grant application or manuscript can submit a request to schedule a meeting. Since most funding applications take extensive planning and forethought, we request, before the initial meeting, plan to share relevant study background materials.
Meet the Biostatistics Research Team
Our BRC team consists of team members with a diverse array of analytical expertise. Areas of expertise include but are not limited to:
- Prevention Science
- Clinical Trials
- Psychometrics
- Biostatistics Education
- Bayesian Statistics
- Generalized Linear Models
- Latent Variable Models
- Multilevel Models
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Structural Equation Models
- Survival Analysis
- High Dimensional Data
- Meta-analysis
Contact Information
Professor and Chair, Department of Population Health Sciences
Director, Biostatistics Research Collaborative