Dennis Reidy
Associate Professor Health Policy & Behavioral Sciences- Education
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, University of Georgia, 2008
M.S. in Clinical Psychology, University of Georgia, 2005
B.S. in Psychology, University of Scranton, 2003
- Biography
Dennis Reidy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Behavioral Sciences in the School of Public Health at Georgia State University. He is also the Director for Community Engagement and Outreach for the Center for Research on Interpersonal Violence at Georgia State University.
Dr. Reidy worked as a scientist in the Division of Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for eight years before coming to Georgia State in 2018. His research focuses on informing, developing, and evaluating innovative interventions to prevent violence and associated delinquency outcomes (e.g., substance use, risky sexual behavior, mental health, etc.) and promote health and well-being. He is particularly interested in investigating cross-cutting risk and protective factors to inform the development of prevention strategies that will impact multiple health outcomes.
He teaches courses in research methods, statistics, evaluation, and measurement.